Psalm Reflection: First Sunday of Advent (Cycle A)

“Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.” - Psalm 122
We heard this Psalm last Sunday for the feast of Christ the King, but this week it takes on a new character. As we begin a new liturgical year and enter into the season of Advent, a season of newness and joyful anticipation, take a moment to reflect on where you are heading in your relationship with God.
Are you spending time in the house of the Lord, or the house of busy holiday plans and shopping? It’s hard this time of year to feel like we are rejoicing in the midst of the chaos and hustle of the holidays, but we are meant to begin this new liturgical year by asking ourselves how Jesus can be born anew in our hearts and lives.
How do you want to be different this year than the last?
How are you preparing your heart for Christ this Advent?
How are you taking time to go to the house of the Lord in your prayer this season?
It doesn’t matter if you get the Christmas cards out, if you go to all the parties, if your Christmas decor is up and Instagram-worthy, or if you get all the shopping done. Jesus wants your next four weeks to be transformational, so the Devil is going to do everything in his power to keep you busy, stressed and focused on trying to “get through” the holidays. Fight to go beyond the surface-level celebrations and allow your heart to be open and ready for God to do something new in your life.
Advent is a season of joy and hope, so spend time with the people who bring you joy. Schedule time into your day to go to the house of the Lord in your personal prayer, by going to chapel, spending time in silence, or taking time to be with family. Take a moment each day this week to savor the small moments of joy that this season brings. We are praying for you!
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.