Psalm Reflection: The Second Sunday of Advent (Cycle A)

“Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.” - Psalm 72
Time. It is our most precious commodity and what we all seem to be most impoverished of. People pride themselves in being “busy” like it is a badge of honor, almost as if we are competing to see whose schedules are more full. Time is something we place incredible value in and something we all wish we had more of.
We don’t like to wait. We have Amazon next day shipping, apps that allow us to order ahead to beat the line, ways to make reservations and appointments so we can get what we want as soon as humanly possible. So, when God makes us wait for things, or does not give us what we ask for, we can get very frustrated. We can blame God or lash out at Him angrily because we don’t understand why He won’t give us what we want.
My 16-month old daughter wants a lot of things. She wants to touch the oven, open the drawers with knives in them, and put everything in her mouth. She is so convinced the things she wants are good, that when I say “no” or take them away to protect her, she cries and screams. She doesn’t understand the harm that what she wants can cause, or that there might be something better for her.
We are the same way.
God is a good and loving Father who will provide for everything that we need, but if we are so focused on what we want, we aren’t free or open to receive what He has in store for us. He will do it, but in His time, and only He can bring us the peace we are looking for.
This week, ask God to give you what you need instead of what you want. Pray a simple prayer to God, saying “I trust you to provide for my every need according to your will and in your time.” We are praying for you this week!
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.