Psalm Reflection: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle B)

“May my meditation be pleasing to Him; I will rejoice in the Lord.” - Psalm 104:34
What is prayer about? What do you typically say to God in prayer? Most often, prayer is about us: what we need, what we want, etc. Those things are fine to ask God for in prayer, but prayer is first and foremost about offering God praise. In prayer, we acknowledge God for who He is and we come to Him in gratitude for all that He does. Most spiritual practices that are popular today are self-focused: they are about how they make us feel, the experience we get out of them. St. Augustine would call that cupiditas, or selfishness, because it is focused inward. Caritas, true love and relationship with God, is an outward recognition that we are nothing without Him. That is why we pray, that is why God is deserving of our praise. This week, start every one of your prayers by giving thanks for the many blessings in your life. We are praying for you.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.