Psalm Reflection: The Fifth Sunday of Easter (Cycle B)

“I will live for the Lord, my descendants will serve you.” - Psalm 22:31
What does your name mean to you? What does it mean to be a Smith, a Jones, a _______? What legacy do you want attached to that name? In Biblical Hebrew culture, your name was your essence, and the meaning of your name had a lot of bearing on who you were and who you would become. When we are gone from this earth, what essence will our name capture in the words spoken about the life we lived? We see how this is lived out beautifully in the lives of the Saints, people who lived with the legacy of holiness in mind, that their stories carry on long after them to continually inspire others. They did not do it for their own glory, but for the Lord’s. How will your children, relatives and friends remember your name? You are writing that story today. God wants every single one of our stories to have the same eternal ending, but we need to make the right choices to get there. I invite you today to reflect on who God is calling you to be, and what legacy He is seeking to leave behind through you. How can you make small “yes’s” in response to Him every day to live up to that great calling? See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.