Psalm Reflection: The Fourth Sunday of Easter (Cycle B)

“Better to take refuge in the Lord than to put one’s trust in mortals.” -Psalm 118:8
Who or what is the center of your life? What do you wake up thinking about?What do you plan your day around? What is your number one priority? If we are honest with ourselves, the answer to all of those questions isn’t “God”. We get bogged down by the busyness of life, by trying to meet other people’s needs, or trying to capture someone else’s attention, that our prayer life and our relationship with God take a backseat. If the Easter season teaches us anything, it is that God wins, and that His victory is the surest thing we can place our trust in. Making God a priority is acting with confidence and faith in His resurrection. This week, schedule everything else around your prayer time (instead of the other way around), and every morning give your day to Lord as a reminder that He is most important in your life.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.