Psalm Reflection: The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B)

“The Lord gave them bread from heaven.” - Psalm 78
Thanks be to God that I have never found myself in a situation where I did not know where my next meal was coming from. However, I have been on pilgrimages, retreats, and other mission trips where food was sparse or much simpler than I was used to. The small glimmer of hunger those experiences gave me helps me relate in a very small way to how helpless and hopeless being without food must be.
I am blessed to live in a country of abundance. However, that abundance is often hoarded, wasted and unappreciated. In the United States, we waste enough food every day to feed all the hungry in the world three times that day. We might ask why the Lord would let so many go hungry, but He made us stewards of His creation, so it is on us to ensure everyone is fed. God has already provided, it is our responsibility to make sure it is all delivered where it is most needed.
The same is true for us spiritually. We have been provided an abundance of God’s mercy and grace, but there are those who are still searching in all the wrong places for fulfillment and hope. If we have the answers, how selfish would it be if we did not share them? If we had extra food, would we not give it to the hungry person in front of us? In the same way we must be ready and willing to offer spiritual nourishment to those who have none, especially among our friends and family. God will always provide the nourishment, it is our job to show others the way to what they are seeking.
This week, seek to serve out of your abundance with those around you, both in their spiritual and physical needs. Even if you do not have much, you have more than those around you. Even if you do not have all the answers, share the one’s you have found.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.