Psalm Reflection: The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B)

“The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.” - Psalm 145
My children never ask me if they are going to get fed every day. They might ask WHEN we will be eating, or WHAT we will be having, but they never doubt for a minute that we as their parents are going to provide for them.
The same is true for us as children of God, and yet it is clear that we do not always believe it. When does that change for us as children of God? When do we lose trust in the fact that God is a loving father who will provide for our needs? It is perfectly reasonable to ask God WHEN He will answer, or WHAT that answer might be, but if there is no clear response it cannot lead to doubt that He will still answer and that whatever the answer is, it will be for our greatest possible good.
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus gets irritated at his own disciples for holding children back from Him, and says: “Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it” (Mark 10:15). My kids teach me so much about God every day, not because they says profoundly theological things (though sometimes they do), but because of the trust, joy and love they unabashedly display toward me as their dad on a daily basis. They never doubt that I will be there, they run to me in their joys and their sorrows, and they constantly ask me or want to share with me about the simplest of things. I need to take their lead, and turn around in the same manner toward my loving Father in Heaven, because I can place far more trust in Him than anyone can or should place in me.
This week, I encourage you to join me in approaching God as His child. Trust that He is with you at every single moment, standing my your side ready to provide, protect, intercede, encourage and embrace you. Go to Him in your joys and in your sorrows — I once heard of an older woman who, after receiving a new pair of shoes, brought them straight to adoration to share with the Lord. Bring to the Lord every question and share with Him every little moment, because He delights in them all as your Father in Heaven, beaming with pride at who you are, and desiring to do all He can to show you His love.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.