Psalm Reflection: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle B)

Psalm Reflection: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle B)

“Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” - Psalm 104

Do you need a spa day? A day off? A vacation?

I certainly do.

I have never been more exhausted and burnt out in my life than I am right now. It is a hard thing to admit and to accept, because I have so often been the person to take charge, chime in, help out, and say yes. Lately, I have needed to do so much of the opposite: step back, let go, hold back, listen, and say no. Though it is not happening in the way I expected, I am slowly feeling the Spirit renew me by slowing down and doing less.

It is surprising because I often think that if I wan a better relationship with God, then I should be doing MORE: adding to my life rather than subtracting things from it. But that is like trying to move a new piece of furniture into a room piled with clutter and trash. It seems impossible with the amount of things already in there, but if I take the time to detach from some  possessions, clean up and organize, suddenly there is room for bigger and better things.

As rejuvenating as spa days can be, they only relax you for a day or so. Then, before you know it, you are back to the exact routine that led to you needing a spa day in the first place. Vacation is the same: we over plan and try to cram so much in that we come home more tired than when we left. What we really need is a spiritual spa day. In fact, I’m pretty sure we should already be doing this, it’s called a Sabbath.

Regardless, make that day or experience of Sabbath more meaningful by taking some intentional time to reflect on what it could look like to “declutter” your life. If you found yourself with a terminal diagnosis tomorrow, what would immediately be prioritized in your mind? Someone else can likely cover for you at work and your many commitments, friends can rally together to provide what is needed, but nothing can replace valuable time being present to your loved ones, time connecting with the Lord, and time spent caring for yourself.

If you are looking for renewal, we know from this week’s Psalm that it cannot happen without the Holy Spirit. So, pray for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, discernment, and clarity so that your life can reflect what you truly value. Pray for time to reflect and make substantial changes so that you can declutter your life and prioritize what matters most. Things will not get better without renewal, and renewal cannot happen without the Spirit.

I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.


MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.