Psalm Reflection: The Second Sunday of Easter, "Divine Mercy Sunday" (Cycle B)

“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting.” - Psalm 118
Have you ever heard the phrase “nothing lasts forever”? It is actually the name of a book that inspired the movie Die Hard, but it is a common phrase that is true in almost every circumstance. Nothing on this earth will last forever — our jobs, our problems, our habits, our routines, our relationships — nothing. It will all eventually change or end. The only thing that will remain, the only thing that is eternal, is God.
We know this about our smaller desires, like our desire for food. When you are hungry, you eat and you are not hungry anymore. You might have the most amazing meal you have ever had, but when it is over, it is over. You will still get hungry again, and that meal you had yesterday or ten years ago, no matter how incredible it was, will not satisfy your hunger today. Everything in life functions the same way, because it is all finite and temporary. Change is inevitable, and we have no guarantee that anything about our lives today will still be true tomorrow. The only thing that will matter in the end, is whether or not we responded to the gift of salvation, and lived our lives in a faithful and joyful response to that free gift.
So, where is your hope? Do you place your hope, your happiness, and your sense of purpose in…
—your work? What happens when you are let go or retire?
—a relationship? What is they move, you break up, have a falling out, divorce, or they pass away?
—your future? What happens when you get there? What is your plans do not work out?
—experiences? What happens when they end?
When we do these things, we can often feel like we are missing out, like there must be something more, or we are left unsatisfied. We can then make the mistake of turning to other earthly things to try to satisfy the same desire, but to no avail. God is the only one who can satisfy the longing in your heart for eternal love, meaning and purpose.
Instead of looking to your left and to your right to see if you are keeping up or doing better than others, look up and be reminded of the real reason for your hope. In a world that is all about productivity, hustle, and achievement, we need to steer away from the temptation to make life meaningful by filling up our résumés. Life is not about what we can get for ourselves, it is about having gratitude for what God has given us, and using those gifts to love and serve others.
This week, have an attitude of gratitude. Remember to give thanks to God for all the ways you experience His goodness, and be reminded that His love is the only thing that is everlasting. At the end of every day, list three unique things or moments that day for which you are grateful. Allow your prayers at the end of the day to be colored by these moments of joy and thanksgiving. Pay less attention to want you want or need, and instead pray with gratitude for what you have already been given. Your life and your heart will change dramatically.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.