Psalm Reflection: The Third Sunday of Easter (Cycle B)

“Lord, let your face shine on us.” - Psalm 4
Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
I ALWAYS choose cold.
I cannot stand being hot.
I grew up in a cool mountain climate, so I often say that I am rendered useless above 80˚F outside, which is pretty accurate. However, I also recognize that I need to get some sun. No matter how comfortable I feel staying in all day, getting outdoors is always better when I compel myself to do it.
The sun increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, which improves our overall mood. Lack of sunlight can lead to higher levels of stress, which has a myriad of other detrimental health factors on our overall health when it persists. The sun helps determine how much melatonin your brain produces, which is what helps you sleep. Only 15 minutes in the sun provides all the Vitamin D you need for the day. However, we all know that too much time in the sun can quickly become damaging, both in the short term (sunburn, heat stroke, etc.) and long term (skin cancer).
Our relationship with the sun is kind of like our relationship with the Son. Spending intentional time with Jesus every day is absolutely necessary for a healthy spiritual life. No matter how uncomfortable it is or inconvenient it may be, we have to prioritize that time wherever we are and whatever our day looks like. However, spending the entire day in prayer can make us obsess about the minute details of the spiritual life, or we can fail to allow our prayer to overflow into the rest of our lives where we are called to bring the love of Jesus to others. Can you pray too much? No. We are called to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). But can you become too focused on spiritual matters and scruples that they keep you from what God is calling you to do? Yes.
The Psalmist asks the Lord to let his face shine us not so we can simply be stagnant, but so we can be reminded of our hope. We spend time in daily prayer to be encouraged, revitalized and restored to then go out into the world and live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
This week, spend time every day with Jesus. Let Him revitalize your heart, bring peace to your worries, and bring joy to your anxieties. And while you’re at it, spend that time with the Son in the sun.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.