Psalm Reflection: The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

“The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.” - Psalm 145
What was the last thing you accomplished or were proud of?
How did it make you feel?
We live in a culture obsessed with achievement and comparison. If we are not careful, we can set goals based more on “one-upping” our neighbor than on our actual desires and passions. Our pride can become inflated if we neglect to realize that all the good in our lives comes from God.
We cannot lay claim to any of our accomplishments, because it is God who gave us the gifts and the talents to get there. In fact, the only thing we can claim ownership of is our sin, because sin is the only thing in our lives that does not come from God.
The problem is that when we do good, we often praise ourselves and forget to praise God. When we sin, we can tend to blame others and make excuses, or even blame God for our problems, rather than claim ownership of our sins and deal with the consequences.
This doesn’t mean we are worthless or incapable of good, but it is a reminder that any time good happens in our lives it is from God.
It is God’s hand that feeds us.
It is God that answers all of our needs.
If we think we can get through this life on our own, we are delusional and will inevitably find ourselves disappointed, frustrated, and angry. When we realize we are not capable of doing everything on our own, real surrender can happen and the grace of God can truly abound in our lives.
This week, consider the ways you have neglected to take ownership of your own sin. Ask forgiveness of those you have hurt, and try to recognize the triggers and patterns of behavior that make you more likely to sin, and avoid them.
On the flip side, make a list of all the good things in your life, and offer it as a Litany of Thanksgiving to God: “For _______, thank you God.” Pray it each day, do it spontaneously or write it out, and thank God for the unique gifts of the day.
We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.