Psalm Reflection: The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

“Lord, I love your commands.” - Psalm 119
I do not think anyone rationally responds to a “command” with love.
“I command you to love me!”
“Yes, I love it, and you!”
“I order you to do this by my deadline.”
“Love it, can’t wait!”
“I command you to do what I say!”
“I love this! When do we start?!”
I cannot imagine these conversations happening in real life. It is laughable to think they would be rational responses to a “command.”
That is because we often mis-characterize God’s commands and think of them as human commands. A human command is something we must follow because someone else has told us, whether we want to or not. It does not always mean the command is easy, right or good, but that is the expectation.
When God commands, it is ALWAYS to set us free, draw us closer to His love, and for our greater good. When we think of God as an army commander, a demanding boss, or an authoritarian jerk, we miss out on the beauty of what his commands offer us.
When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments in Sinai in Exodus 20, the Hebrew people had left Egypt, a land of many gods, goddesses, rules and rituals. They escaped the daily experience of earthly commands that had enslaved them. When God offered them the Ten Commandments, it was not to enslave them again, but to set them free from bondage and attachment to sin.
That is why we should love the commands of God, because they are always for our benefit. God offers us a life where we can truly be free. His commands are the pathway to our destination. We can forge our own path by doing whatever we want, or we can strive for the greatness of Heaven by taking the narrow path. Which will you choose?
This week, consider a doctrine or teaching of the Church that you struggle with. Do some further reading on this teaching until you understand it and can answer the question, “how does this teaching offer me freedom?”
There is always Good News in the Church’s teachings, sometimes we need to set aside our own pride and look for it with fresh eyes, but it is always there.
“For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.” - Galatians 5:1
We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.