Psalm Reflection: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Cycle A)

“Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.” - Psalm 147
This past week my wife and I welcomed our son, Levi, into the world.
In the days leading up to delivery, everything feels so heightened; you aren’t sure when it will come, but as it gets closer and closer the anxiety, worry and anticipation are through the roof. Or maybe that is just me, but that is what I was feeling.
I found myself praying more fervently for a safe and healthy delivery and relying on God for that to happen. But the moment Levi came into the world, my prayer stopped. I realized later that day that I had completely forgotten to thank or praise God for coming through in all the ways I had asked. It is so easy for me to pray when there is a need right in front of me, but not always when things are good.
Do you have a friend who only reaches out to you when they need something? It is super frustrating. Well, I think I am that friend to God, maybe you can relate.
Is God your first choice or your last resort?
The subject of this Sunday’s Psalm is Jerusalem praising the Lord. Jerusalem gets it’s name from words meaning “foundation” or “settlement.” Is God your firm foundation? Is He what everything else in your life is built upon? Or is he an ornament placed on your life that looks nice or only comes out periodically or on special occasions? I definitely find myself falling into that trap, and this week I am reminded to turn to Him first, in both the grace-filled and difficult moments.
This week, try to balance your prayer. For every need you ask God to fulfill, also offer a prayer of praise or gratitude. Every time you pray for something to happen, remember one thing God made happen in your life already and thank Him for His constant faithfulness in your life.
We are praying for you this week!
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.