Psalm Reflection: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Cycle A)

“Glory and Praise for ever!” - Daniel 3
This does not feel like a week of glory and praise. I imagine that you feel the heaviness of what is going on in our country. Maybe you are angry because of racism. Maybe you are angry because of looting. Maybe you really don’t know what to do or think. But I imagine the words of this Sunday’s Psalm have not been on many of our lips this past week.
We have seen division, hatred, anger, violence, and so many other things drive a further wedge between people in this country who are afraid, complacent or do not seek to understand where another person is coming from.
Despite all of that, we have also seen incredible unity. Unity in fighting injustice and trying to foment change and root out the systemic injustice of racism in this country. We have seen people speaking up, learning, dialoguing and becoming more educated issues of social justice. That is good.
Any time we talk about social justice, it is messy. That is because WE are messy. We sin, and complicate things so they are not as clean or as concrete as we would prefer. Social justice requires that we dive into the mess; there is no “safe” way of doing it.
As Catholics, we believe in the dignity of all human life, even though it is messy. We look to see Christ in the midst of each person, in the midst of every mess, and meet Him there with open arms.
When we die and come before Jesus to be judged, He will not ask us our opinion on issues, and why we think that we were in the right on a particular issue or teaching of the Church. He will ask us how we loved, and how we served our brothers and sisters (Matthew 25:31-46). If we do it well, we will see Christ in even the messiest of people, places, and times. And when we do see Him, we will exclaim “Glory and praise for ever!”
This week, try to find the good in every situation, news headline, person and conversation. Celebrate the good things that are happening and pray in thanksgiving for them. There will always be evil and sin, don’t fall into the Devil’s trap of allowing it to be the only thing you are focusing on.
We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.