Psalm Reflection: The Fourth Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. - Psalm 23
Last week, right in the middle of the afternoon on the hottest day of the year thus far, the power went out in my neighborhood. There was suddenly no air conditioning and stockpiled refrigerators of food risked being spoiled. Everyone tasked with working from home and teaching their kids simultaneously, all depending on the life support of their WiFi, came bursting out of their front doors to immediately see what had caused such a travesty. The reaction time was almost immediate.
It made me think about the things we rely on, and the luxuries we enjoy that we feel we have a right to experience every day. How dependent are we on these things? How much of our happiness and sense of stability relies on things? When we die and we come before Jesus for our judgment, we will all be faced with something like a “security check.” We have all seen those signs in airports that tell us what we cannot bring on the plane. Well the “security check” sign to get into Heaven might read something like: “In order to ensure an enjoyable trip, please leave behind the following: everything.”
In order to trust God as our shepherd, and honestly rely on Him to provide for our every need, we need to be willing to let go of anything and everything but Him. It does not mean all things are bad, but if we value and pursue them more than we do God, they become obstacles to Him; they become modern idols. Our joy and fulfillment comes from God and God alone. Yes, He has blessed us through our families, our jobs, our homes, our relationships and even our possessions. Every part of who we are and everything we possess can be a conduit for His joy. But, if God chooses to take any of it away, we have to recognize that our joy and fulfillment is still intact. Yes, we grieve for losses. We struggle and mourn when things do not work out our way or when the rug gets pulled out from under us. But, in the end, what matters most?
This week, spend some time in prayer and maybe even in conversation with others about what brings you joy. Dive deep into those places with gratitude, and search for how God is blessing you through them. Let us attach our joy and fulfillment to Him, and Him alone.
We are praying for you.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.