Psalm Reflection: The Third Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

“Lord, you will show us the path of life.” - Psalm 16
Growing up in a rural mountain community, I spent a lot of time hiking and wandering around out in nature. There is one rule every beginner learns when they take up hiking: stay on the path. When you stay on the path, you have a much easier way finding your way back if you get turned around. On the path, danger cannot hide as easily, and you can be sure that, if something happens, help can get to you much more easily. Wandering off the path makes us must more prone to encounter danger and have a harder time escaping it. Leaving the path makes us likely to get lost or to be injured and left without help or rescue.
Often times we think we are staying on the path of life, but all of a sudden it dead ends or disappears, and we do not know where to go or what to do next. When this happens, we can begin to panic, become anxious, or start to veer off of the path in the wilderness to find a way out. However, when the path we are walking ends or presents an immovable obstacle, it can be a sign that we are on OUR path, instead of God’s path.
The Christian life is one of surrender, constantly relying more and more on God each day regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. If we focus on what we can “do” in following the Lord, we will look to ourselves and our accomplishments for our sense of worth and purpose. That might be fine for a while, but eventually the road in front of us will be blocked, it will fork, or it will disappear. However, if we focus on how we can let go and surrender, the path will always be laid before us.
Jesus did not say that He is “a way,” He said “I am THE way, and THE truth and THE life” (John 14.6). He is the only way. We can stubbornly forge ahead, headlong and unyielding, but we will eventually get to a place where we cannot find a way out, past, or through what comes our way.
How much do you trust God? Enough to give up control?
Do you trust God only when you NEED to because you’ve tried everything else? Or are you willing to go where He leads FIRST and follow faithfully even if you cannot see what lies around the corners of the winding path of sainthood?
Trust in the Lord for He is good. So, so good. His path is the path of life, and our path can never even come close to being better. So let go, turn around, and lace up those hiking boots to walk wherever He may lead.
This past Sunday was Divine Mercy Sunday, and so I invite you to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy each day if you can to grow in your trust in the Lord, or at the very least pray these words each day especially in moments of doubt or difficulty: “Jesus, I trust in You.”
We are praying for you.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.