Psalm Reflection: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

“The Lord is kind and merciful.” - Psalm 103
Being the parent of a toddler can be frustrating. It is hard to be patient with a tiny human who ignores you as you say “no” over and over again, or smiles while continuing to do exactly what you asked them not to. It is easy to get irritated or angry, because we are human and imperfect.
God is different. We are made in His image, He is not made in ours. When I was younger I believed that God’s default attitude toward me was one of disappointment and anger. I always thought God was frustrated that I wasn’t listening or that I wasn’t better, always prepared to offer judgment and criticism. I thought He was monitoring my mistakes to use against me later. I thought He was always trying to trip me up or test me. I was wrong.
However, the more people I talk to, the more common I see this image of God. There seems to be a prevailing misconception among many Catholics that God is the distant “man behind the curtain,” the “great and terrible” one who is trying to keep us in fear so we don’t break His rules. People often characterize it as “Catholic guilt,” but it is our fault as a Church for historically presenting God this way. The fact is, God is a loving father, not a disappointed supervisor or a distant evaluator.
If you resonate with this, or feel like you have ever struggled with this image of God, there is something I want you to hear:
God loves you. He loves YOU specifically in a distinct and unrepeatable way.
God is not disappointed in you. Scripture says He literally DELIGHTS in you.
God is not trying to test you or trip you up. He reveals to us guidelines for life that will fulfill us and set us free from the slavery of sin, pride and addiction. He wants our greatest good, not to highlight our greatest faults.
In fact, it is impossible for Gos to want ANYTHING OTHER than your greatest good, because anything else would be contradictory to His very nature. He will not force us to do good, but even if we experience suffering or pain because of our sin or the sin of others, He will actively bring something even greater out of it if we let Him.
God doesn’t want any amount of pain, evil or suffering to befall you. His plan for you was the Garden of Eden. His plan for you was, and still is, perfect union with Him in Heaven for all eternity. You can turn away from God all you want, but He won’t respond with anger, frustration or disappointment. He will always be there to welcome you back with open arms, because He is kind and merciful.
This week, reflect on God saying these words to you, “I am not disappointed in you. I love you exactly as you are.” Anything contrary to this is a lie from the Devil or a lacking in our own understanding of God’s unfathomable love and mercy. Let the truth of His love wash over you in your prayer this week.
We are praying for you.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.