Psalm Reflection: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

“Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!” - Psalm 119
Following the law is something most people do every day without really thinking about it. We obey traffic signs and stay in our lane on the freeway (usually), the majority of us don’t suddenly attack people or cause riots, and we generally don’t steal or intentionally cause harm to others.
Following the law is second-nature to most citizens, so it doesn’t really seem like it blesses our lives in any particular way because we are never really even aware of it. In fact, we probably have no idea how many laws we obey every day, because the law is only something we think about if we break it.
Honestly, to be blessed by any law sounds very stern, legalistic, and unappealing to me. But the word “blessed” in Scripture usually translates more accurately to “happy” or “complete.” It is clear that the law of the Lord is different. There is a sense of fulfillment in following the law of the Lord; it points to a deeper reality of who we are called to be and what our true purpose is.
I think many people are turned off by religion because it seems like a long list of rules and “do not’s,” but the law of the Lord is one of love, mercy and true freedom. Just as guardrails prevent us from driving off of the road, the law of the Lord prevents us from falling into sin, destruction and death; it ultimately helps us become the best versions of ourselves.
I would invite you this week to look at the 10 commandments, a classic list of “shalt not’s,” and read them with fresh eyes and a heart open to see the deeper invitation behind each one. Maybe rewrite them so “thou shalt not kill,” becomes “Thou shall protect and honor the life of yourself and others because God loves all of His children,” or something like that. You get the idea.
Pray through them and ask yourself how you desire to be more free. What laws of the Lord resonate with you? Which ones are inviting you into the freedom and fulfillment only God can offer? With Lent approaching, perhaps of these can help you begin to pray about how to enter into this season more intentionally.
Know that we are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.