Psalm Reflection: The Third Sunday of Advent, "Gaudete Sunday" (Cycle B)

“My soul rejoices in my God.” - Luke 1
Mary is not normal.
Think about it. Who in the world would respond this way? An angel appears to you and basically says: “Hey girl, I know you’re betrothed to Joseph and everything, but you are going to be pregnant all of the sudden, NOT by Joseph, risking a death sentence for adultery and endless ridicule from your family and friends… but it’s all good because the baby is God!”
Would your response be “my soul rejoices in my God”?!?!?
I don’t think so!
First of all, I would be like “HOLY SMOKES an ANGEL!”
Then, I would be like, “Oh heck no! I ain’t risking death, embarrassment and ridicule… I really don’t think I’m the right person for this job!”
That is because I am a normal, ordinary person who struggles with sin, like everybody else.
Mary was immaculately conceived, meaning that she was supernaturally preserved from sin from the moment of her conception in her mother’s womb. That is what we celebrate today, December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and why it is such an important day, a Holy Day of Obligation.
Without Mary’s yes, there is no Jesus. Mary’s supernatural yes is meant to serve an example for us that a simple “yes” to God can bear miraculous fruit. Her simple “yes” brought us our salvation.
This day, the week, this Advent, how can you simply say “yes” to God? What stronghold does sin, temptation, comfort, or pride have in your life? How can you cut away that overgrowth in your heart to “prepare the way for the Lord” and “make straight the path” for Him to transform your life?
As perfect as she was, Mary still had free will. Eve was also created perfectly, without sin, and also had free will to obey God or not. She disobeyed, but Mary humbly accepted. The “no” of Eve is undone by the “yes” of Mary, the New Eve. A simple, honest, open, vulnerable “yes” can break the chain of all the “no’s” we have uttered in the past. No matter the choices you made yesterday or the days prior, God needs only one single, honest, simple “yes” to supernaturally change your life forever. Say “yes” to Him today, and live it out every day that follows. Then, you will be the Saint God created you to be.
I am praying for you this week and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.