Psalm Reflection: The Second Sunday of Advent (Cycle B)

“Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.” - Psalm 85
Have you ever been looking high and low for something that ended up being in your pocket? Or better yet, right in your hand? I do it all of the time, but until I realize it I act as though it is gone or has been lost.
That is like salvation and God’s grace in our lives. God has already won salvation for us, but we will not be able to receive it until we realize the gift we have been given and respond. The gift of salvation has been placed in our hands, we cannot earn it, pray for it, or ask for it. We ask instead for the eyes to see and the will to respond to that gift on a daily basis: to remain free from sin and keep our eyes fixed on Christ.
I know that when I am frantically looking for the keys that are in my hand, it is often because I am anxious, worried, frantic or distracted that I do not see them. In your spiritual life, what is standing in the way from you seeing what God had given you and responding to His kindness? What it preventing you from calming your mind and heart to be present? What is stealing your joy?
This week, slow down. I know that is a ridiculous challenge in the midst of this holiday season with so much to do. It does not mean you don’t have to do all the things, but prioritize time calming your mind and heart in present, personal prayer with Jesus.
I can’t use the gifts the Lord has given me if I am too busy frantically searching everywhere else for meaning and purpose. In the frantic busyness of this season, slow down and pay attention to where you are and what God has given you. There you will find salvation.
I am praying for you and I will see you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.