Psalm Reflection: Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

“I will rise and go to my father.” - Psalm 51
When my 14-month-old daughter needs something, she doesn’t hesitate: she immediately comes over to me, reaches her arms up, points, cries, or does whatever she needs to do to get my attention and tell me what she needs. She doesn’t take a moment to wonder if I am going to do it or not. She knows what she cannot do herself and immediately comes to her father who she trusts to do it for her.
Why can’t we do that? Why do we sit with our desires and try to fulfill them ourselves, instead of turning to God?Nothing we can come up with or find on earth will ever satisfy, and yet we still try to take control. We live in a culture that tries to eliminate any sense of need or vulnerability as if it is a weakness. Apps and websites will deliver virtually anything we desire right to our front door without even having to interact with a human person. Social media has us glorifying the good in our lives as if it came only from us, and ignoring the bad because we don’t want to be vulnerable. And yet, the disposition of a Christian is one with arms raised to our Father who we trust to fulfill our needs.
What do you need right now?
What desires do you hope will be fulfilled?
Do you trust that God wants to and WILL fulfill them?
It is hard to surrender control of things we want so much, but we need to in order to be ready to recognize and receive how God is going to fulfill them. Because He WILL ALWAYS fulfill them, just not often in the way or time we expect, which is why it takes trust.
This week, get up and go to your Father. Go to a chapel, or go to Him in the opening and surrendering of your heart, offering to Him your needs with confident trust that He will fulfill them. We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.