Psalm Reflection: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

“God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor.” - Psalm 68
I once had plans to get dinner with some friends, and as the day of this dinner arrived, people who had originally been able to go suddenly weren’t available and had to cancel. It dwindled down to me and one other friend, which was fine with me. I asked them if they were still good to go, and they responded, “well no one else can go so I’ll probably stay home.” Let me tell you, I felt pretty worthless. I was “no one else.” I didn’t seem to be enough for that other person. I felt like I wasn’t worth that persons time and energy.
Have you ever felt like that? Alone, forgotten, tossed aside? Like you’re not worth anyone’s time? As I have gotten older and my friends become fewer and busier, I feel this way a lot more often. I know it’s not their intention, but the Devil is good at using words and twisting them to make us feel isolated, unwanted and alone. But we are NEVER alone and NEVER forgotten by God. Your name was on Jesus’ lips on the cross. He did that for YOU. Not simply for everyone, but uniquely, specifically and personally for you. I find myself, in those moments of wanting time with other people or needing attention and affirmation from friends, asking the question, “is Jesus enough for me?” In times when you are at your lowest, take a moment and recognize that Jesus allowed Himself to sink down to the lowest and darkest of places so that we would know we are never alone in our loneliness. Let Jesus be enough for you, because He desperately wants to be. He has far more love to give you than you have already received.
This week, spend time with the Lord, especially when you are feeling lonely, and simply let Him love you. But also call to mind the people in your life who might feel the same way, or the people you pass by on a daily basis who go unnoticed or unacknowledged. Reach out to them in loving care so they know that someone out there sees them and knows them, because they may feel exactly like you do. We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.