Psalm Reflection: Third Sunday of Easter (Cycle C)

“I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.” - Psalm 30
Do you believe that having a relationship with Jesus Christ makes a difference? Does it radically change what your life looks like? Or does your life look pretty much like everyone else’s with the small difference of how you spend an hour of your time every Sunday? The reality and the magnitude of what Jesus has done for is, is doing for us, and will do for us is life-changing. If we truly know the gift of salvation offered to us in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our response to that gift should be a life lived in such a way that there unmistakably is something different about us. Saint Catherine of Siena said, “All the way to heaven is heaven.” If we are really living in pursuit of Heaven and in response to the gift of salvation offered to us, we can experience heaven on earth. So, does your life look like that? If it doesn’t, why not? Are you relegating Jesus to a small corner of your life or your week? Is there some relationship, habit, temptation or worry that you have not allowed Jesus to transform? The appeal of Christianity is simple: do you want your life to be better? Because, even if all of what Christians believed about Jesus turned out to be a total lie or a huge historical misunderstanding, there is no denying that every single person who truly lives out what it teaches is a better person and lives a more joyful life because of it. That alone should be worth pursuing. But on top of that, the fact that Christianity sits on the foundation of the unrelenting love and mercy from God, who truly walked with us on earth in the person of Jesus Christ and truly established a Church that He continues to guide and reveal Himself through, there is no reason to hold anything back. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So what is holding you back? This week, step closer to Christ in an area of your life you find difficult to trust Him with, whatever that looks like. Maybe it means you will stop trying to force something to happen in your life when the doors are not opening. Maybe it means taking a risk to be better and more joyful even if it is scary. Maybe it means really giving your life to Him for the first time. Or maybe it means giving up that temptation, habit or addiction and getting the help you need. Whatever it is, we are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.