Psalm Reflection: Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday (Cycle C)

“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love is everlasting.” - Psalm 118
Does your life look the same as it did 5 years ago? 10 years ago? Probably not. How many goals, jobs or friendships have already come and gone? Life is full of change, losses, growth, new relationships and opportunities. Everything on this earth is temporary, and every relationship we have on this earth will end, except for one: our relationship with God. His love for you is limitless and unending. What person on this earth would ever promise to love you unconditionally with nothing expected in return regardless of your mood, attitude or effort in return? That is a relationship worthy of praise, honor and gratitude. Easter is a season of joy not because we are suddenly happier, but because we understand that everything is gift, all made possible by the ultimate gift of Jesus’ life on the cross. The Resurrection is the confirmation that Jesus is who He says He is, and He will always come through for us. This week, bask in that gift by being grateful for the small things each day. Write down at least one thing you are grateful for each day that is unique to that day: something simple that allowed you to experience God’s love (not big things like your family, job, friends, etc. that you have every day). You will find that God wants to surprise you with His love in new ways every day. We are praying for you this week!
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.