Psalm Reflection: The Epiphany of the Lord (Cycle A)

“Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.” - Psalm 72
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, when the Magi came to adore the Christ-child. The Magi are often depicted as different in age and culture to signify every nation revering Jesus as Lord. It’s a nice sentiment, but that is sadly not the case today. We live in a post-Christian and post-truth society. How could we ever get to a place where every nation could recognize Jesus as Lord?
Yeah, you read that right.
Your emphatic and joyful “YES!” to the truth of who Jesus is can move mountains and inspire countless hearts to change. You may think you are insignificant in the grand scheme of things and couldn’t possibly make an impact, especially one of such a large scale. You are wrong.
Jesus shouldn’t have made an impact. He was a poor baby born to a poor family from a back-water town of around 200 people that either people hadn’t heard of or they openly mocked for being a worthless place. And yet He, shrouded in insignificance, changed the world. As Christians, we are “little Christ’s,” and we are meant to follow in His mountain-moving footsteps.
How do we do that?
We reveal who God is by offering Him all we are and receiving all that He is.
The word “epiphany” comes from a word that means “reveal.” When the wise men brought their gifts it wasn’t to celebrate Jesus’ birthday, it was to make a bold and emphatic statement about who Jesus was. They offered gold to reveal his royal lineage from the house of King David and revere Him as a new King with a new Kingdom. They offered frankincense to reveal his divinity and His role as the new High Priest. They offered myrrh, used to prepare bodies for burial, to reveal His humanity, His death, and His martyrdom in the line of the persecuted prophets before Him.
They offered what they had, whether they knew its significance or not, and revealed Christ as priest, prophet and king. It changed their world, and their story is one piece of the greatest story ever told: a story that has transformed the world.
Your “yes” can and will make an impact that you could never predict or foresee. Let God use you this week and say “yes” to living out your faith with joy and enthusiasm. You never know who it could make all the difference for. We are praying for you!
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.