Psalm Reflection: The Feast of the Holy Family (Cycle A)

“Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.” - Psalm 128
What are you afraid of?
Being alone?
Public speaking?
We are afraid of things because we think they will result in harm, pain, loss, or even death. And so, when we hear a phrase like “fear the Lord,” images of fire and brimstone can come to mind. But a better translation of the word “fear” here would be “to be in awe of.”
Seeing the wonder and the majesty of God and what He can do should make us stop in our tracks. This Christmas Eve day, taking a moment to recognize the miraculous gift of the Incarnation should stop us in our tracks. Don’t glaze over or hear the story of God becoming flesh with jaded ears. Take a moment to realize how incredible it is that the God of the universe, who formed galaxies with His fingertips, made Himself the most vulnerable and smallest of humanity to come and die for YOU. He loves us that much, that He gave up EVERYTHING to give us what we do not deserve. In a world where people don’t care who they step on to achieve their goals, the love of God in the reality of Christmas should take our breath away.
So this season, hear the story of Christmas and take in the reality of it with fresh ears. Let all your prayers be those of gratitude for all God has done for you, and have a heart that is open and ready to be so blown away by God’s love for you this Christmas that it scares you a little, but in the best way possible. We are praying for you this week!
See you in the Eucharist and Merry Christmas!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.