Psalm Reflection: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
“The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.” - Psalm 98
Hot chocolate.
A good book.
Raindrops pattering on the windows.
Door Dash.
Nowhere to be.
Nothing to do.
Sound nice? I think so. Because I like to be cozy and comfortable. I like having a day off, taking it easy and recharging.
But the truth is, we don’t get a day off from our spiritual life when we are striving for Heaven. Catholicism is not, and was never meant to be, a religion of “when you feel like it,” or taking the easy way. But in our convenience-driven world we are used to things being easy, instant and comfortable.
Maybe we have made God easy, instant and comfortable.
Yes, God is love. Yes, He is merciful. But, He is also just. He will let us make the wrong choices and let us also bear the consequences. He will let us spiral downward in our own pride and addiction. He loves us enough to never force us to be rescued against our will. We are culpable for our decisions and God won’t let us off the hook simply because “we didn’t feel like it that day.”
Advent is coming up, and with it we begin a new season and a new liturgical year. In the weeks leading up to Advent we will hear a lot of readings about judgment and the end of time, because it is the end of a year but also to remind us of the ever-present need for us to be ready for Jesus’ return and God’s just judgment. Our soul cannot take a day off without ramifications. As Advent begins, pray about what new things God wants for you, and fight against the desire to be too comfortable in your faith, so you are always ready and vigilant in your journey toward eternity. We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.