Psalm Reflection: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B)

“It is good to proclaim your love at daybreak, your faithfulness at night.” -Psalm 92:1-2
As Ted from How I Met Your Mother says, “nothing good happens after 2am.” I often amend that to 9pm, but nonetheless, nighttime and darkness are often representative of sin because those are the times we become more prone to temptation. Why? In the absence of physical light we can forget to fortify ourselves in spiritual light. If you’ve ever prayed a traditional Act of Contrition during confession, you attest to avoid the “near occasion of sin”: those people, places or things that cause you to fall into sin. Do you do that? Do you actually prevent yourself from ever going back to that bar, or watching a movie with that person in the dark, or hanging out with those people who pressure you to make poor decisions? Because if we don’t commit to avoiding these things then we are being inauthentic in our resolve every time we go to confession, meaning we are not truly repenting. Take an opportunity this week to pray through an Examination of Conscience, and as you are going through it and making note of what you might need to confess, write next to each of them what commonly triggers you to turn to or fall into that sin. We have to name our struggles, name our triggers and share them with those we trust who can support us if we are serious about becoming who God creates us to be. We are praying for you.
See you in Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.