Psalm Reflection: The Second Sunday of Advent - Cycle B

“Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.” - Psalms 85
Pull a 25-ton school bus 25 meters by rope.
Run as far as possible while hoisting a 432lb shield to your chest.
Deadlift 782lbs six times.
Hurl a series of kettlebells over a 15-foot high bar.
That, along with a slew of other feats of strength, is what it took for Mitchell Hooper to be awarded the title of World’s Strongest Man in April of 2023.
Training for these events is a year-round full-time job, requiring diligent nutrition and conditioning. All of it is devoted to compete for a title and a trophy declaring to the world that you are the strongest man alive. Well, at least the strongest man alive that came forward to compete, but still incredibly strong.
Then, after a year, you compete all over again to either retain your title, or eventually be beat by someone stronger. It is an amazing competition to witness and it takes incredible dedication and fortitude, but no human being can be the strongest forever. Even beyond physical strength, those who are emotionally resilient and mentally strong will face situations that will challenge them and their strength will eventually fail.
Earthly strength, even the best in the world, is fickle and eventually fades.
God’s strength can never be surpassed, because he has true and lasting strength.
Not because He is extraordinarily fit.
Not because He can outlift or outperform any challenger.
Not even because He can form planets in the palms of His hands and commands a heavenly host of angels.
God is strong because He is kind.
I recently heard Sister Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, define kindness as tender strength. That is the kindness we ask God to let us see in the Responsorial Psalm this week.
It is not a strength that shows off or competes for domination.
It is the strength of a loving Father who holds His children with tender love and protects them from harm.
The kindness of God is His mercy, compassion and forgiveness. It is our salvation.
Think about this: in every fictional story or historical misunderstanding about the divine, there are a believe to be a series of gods and goddesses that rule the universe. These gods and goddesses are believed to be immortal, but they war and fight like mortals do, they use humanity for their own pleasure or worship, and they commit immoral acts of violence because they can.
The one true God could have decided to exert His power in such a way to enslave His creation, to demand worship, or to use humanity as a means for His entertainment or corrupted intentions. That is not what God did, because it is not in God’s nature to do it. He is all good. He is love (1 John 4:8).
Even though He is also omnipotent (all-powerful) and omniscient (all-knowing), He does not use His knowledge and power for Himself. Rather, He uses them to save us. The most powerful being in existence set aside His throne and title as King of the Universe in order to be born as a vulnerable, weak child in a humble manger. He could have come to a wealthy family and been given every luxury, but He chose to be born to a poor family of low class who lived in a town that people had no respect for (John 1:46). He renounced His strength and held off the armies of angels that could have rescued Him (Matthew 26:53-54) in order to appear weak and die on a cross so we would not have to pay the price of our sin (Philippians 2:5-11).
God does not Lord His strength over us. He shares it in order to strengthen us against sin, so as to share in His glory with Him. He does not do it out of selfishness or vainglory, but out of the tender desires in His Fatherly heart.
That is how much God loves you.
He went toe-to-toe in a strength competition against sin and death and won by a landslide.
He wants you to share in His victory.
He wants to share His tenderness and strength with you.
Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.
This reflection is based on the Responsorial Psalm for this Sunday, December 10th, 2023, which is The Second Sunday of Advent - Cycle B: Psalms 85:9-10-11-12, 13-14.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.