Psalm Reflection: The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cycle B)

“The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold.” - Psalm 45
When I was in middle school, I went through a gangster phase. I wore gold chains and bling, I shaved my head, and I wore a lot of oversized and baggy clothing. If it is not clear already, one glance at my old photo albums will tell you that it was not a good look for me. However, at the time I thought it was the coolest and best thing that I could possibly do.
Because everyone else around me was doing it.
Because I wanted to fit in.
Because I wanted to convince other people that I was worth their time.
Because I wanted to be important, to be seen, known and loved.
We adorn ourselves to draw attention to something we feel is hidden or not obvious to others. Churches are adorned for the same reason: to communicate to anyone who enters that there is something of value and importance there—that this place is different than every other place on earth.
That is also why we honor and revere the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is something about her that is different than every other person in human history: she was perfectly obedient to God in every way. She not only deserves our honor, but she serves as a model disciple for us to strive to imitate. Getting closer to her leads us closer to Jesus. In the same way that a monstrance encases and highlights the Eucharist in Adoration, Mary shows off her Son: she was the first monstrance. Mary physically bore the Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity of the Lord, Jesus Christ in her womb, and continued to spiritually showcase the divinity of her Son through the example of her faithfulness.
It is ironic that someone as humble and obedient as Mary would be venerated, celebrated and adorned so fervently. She desires none of it for herself, but only for it to lead others to her Son.
Can we honestly say that the same thing Is true for us?
This week, consider your actions: specifically, the things you might be doing or not doing in an attempt to better attract the attention of others. Are these things done so you can ultimately lead others to Jesus, or are they simply serving yourself? Seek to imitate Mary in drawing all the attention you might receive toward Jesus, and spend less time concerned about what others think about you. You have a Father in Heaven who thinks the world of you, who loves you enough to die for you. No one on earth can love us like that, so there is no need to look for that love and attention from others. Instead, we must seek to lead others who are trapped in that same pursuit for attention to Jesus Christ, who sees them, knows them, and loves them. And may it all be done through the example and intercession of our Mother, Mary.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.