Psalm Reflection: The Second Sunday of Lent (Cycle B)

“I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.” - Psalm 116
In times of monarchs and kingdoms, a royal ruler was often preceded or announced by a steward, someone who was given the great responsibility of speaking or acting on the monarch's behalf in whatever matters had been entrusted to them. As stewards of the King of Kings, we are called to speak and act in His name wherever we go. Wherever you go somewhere or whenever you interact with someone, do you leave that situation more or less open for the King, Jesus, to come?
I was once given some profound dating advice as a young man: on every date, behave in such a way that if both of you died at the end, you could escort the other person to Jesus and confidently say, “I took care of them for you.” That is our mission in every interaction we have: to till the soil and make it even more ready to for the love and Good News of Jesus Christ to be planted.
You have been given unique gifts and talents that give you the ability to be a steward, to prepare the way for Jesus, in a way that no one else in human history can. By virtue of your Baptism, you have been charged with a mission to live out the royal office of Jesus faithfully and uniquely, like only you can. If you do not, something will be lacking in the Body of Christ. It is all of our responsibility to consider how we can announce Jesus wherever we go.
In Biblical times, people would treat the king’s stewards like they were the king Himself, exercising the same level of hospitality and service toward them that would be fit for the king. Do we treat others with that same royal dignity? We are called to go before the Lord and announce Him everywhere we go, but we must also recognize that Jesus is being announced in unique ways by everyone else we encounter too. We must have eyes ready to see, ears ready to hear, and open hearts and hands ready to receive Him in every person we meet.
This week, try to be conscious of leaving every interaction and situation better than it was before, and strive to see the presence of Jesus in others. Consider how you can uniquely bring His presence to others, and affirm the unique ways others have done so for you. Go before the Lord, so that everyone you encounter is ready to receive Him when He comes after you.
I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.