Psalm Reflection: The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B

“Praise the Lord, my soul!” - Psalm 146
What gives you life? What brings you joy and sustains you, especially on your difficult days?
For me, it is being outdoors, reading, gardening, cleaning, building or fixing things, baking, cooking, and times in silent, contemplative prayer.
What is it for you?
The things that give us life do so because they feed our soul, the ultimate source of life. The words for “soul” in scripture are psuché in Greek and nephesh in Hebrew. Both of these words can also be understood as “life” or that which gives us life. In Latin, the word is anima, which is where we get the word animate. The One who animates us and gives us life does so by endowing us with an immortal soul, destined to an eternal existence.
I bring this up because that gift is often wasted on things that do not animate us, bring us joy, or give us life. We often are pressured by the world to prioritize the things that suck a lot of our energy away: work, career, education, social status, wealth, success, the list goes on and on. These things are not bad, but they are usually not what give us life. What gives us life are the unique ways in which we use our gifts, talents, and creative energy to bring joy into the world, whether it be for us or for others.
So, what are those things?
When was the last time you did something that gave you peace, made you feel alive, and like you where doing something enjoyable?
Do you make room and time for these things in your life, or do you wait for that time to come and squeeze them in when you remember or have energy?
There are some days when I get home and I am sitting at the dinner table and I want to go right to bed. We have a nightly routine where we go on a family walk after dinner, and I am often tempted to try and stay home, or try to get us to go for a drive instead. However, the second we start that walk, even when I really do not want to go, I feel life and energy begin to return to my body. If I only ever waited until I felt like it or when I had free time, it would never happen. I need to make the time, and do it whether I feel like it or not, because I know in the end that it will always be worth it.
The same thing is true for prayer. It is God who ultimately gives us life, every second is a gift and the next one is never guaranteed. So, if we are serious about our relationship with Him, we need to make the time, whether we feel like it or not, to pray and seek Him in prayer, Scripture, silence, and community. This week, look at your calendar and schedule in some time, however small, in daily prayer, and a daily opportunity to do something that brings you joy and gives you life. See how different your mood and demeanor is throughout the week, and try to continue prioritizing the things that animate you, because that is when we draw nearer to the One who animates us all.
I am praying for you this week, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.