Psalm Reflection: The Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

“The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel.” - Psalm 80
When I graduated from high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was always amazed when I had conversations with my peers and they seemed to know exactly what they wanted to study, what college they wanted to go to and what career they wanted to have. They genuinely knew those things about themselves (and they were not just going for a specific school or major because everyone else was, their parents wanted them to, or because they were “supposed” to) and I both admired and envied them for it, because I had no idea for myself.
However, I am grateful for the journey I went on—I was able to save money, experience life in a different way, and could afford to have an explorative approach to my education. Soon enough I became like those people I envied: I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go next to get there.
When we know what we love, suddenly the choices we make become very intentional, focused and clear.
God is our first and best example of this. This Psalmist reminds us that God chose a specific group of people for Himself, and through them He intentionally acted and realized a plan for the salvation of the entire world. As Jesus says in John 15: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you,” and He proved that intentional love He has for us by giving His life for our salvation.
God’s plan for you is specific. He chose you for a purpose: to play a unique role in building the kingdom of God in this time, this place, in this moment of salvation history. Only you can fulfill that role; no one can do it better than you.
God’s love for you is specific. He is constantly loving you into existence. Every breath in your lungs is a deliberate gift of love from your Creator. He does not simply extend His love to all people collectively, but He loves each one of us intentionally in a unique and unrepeatable way as if we were His one and only creation.
The words of this week’s Psalm can seem foreign to us at first glance. We are not part of the house of Israel, that was how God worked in the past. However, if we look deeper we will find a God who loves us so specifically and passionately that He knew exactly what He wanted to do, we wanted to do it, and how He wanted to redeem us.
This week, take some time to reflect on where God has placed you. Your specific city, your family members, your school, your job, your friends, your Church, and your community are all specific places that the Lord is desiring to both bless you and use you to bless others. Do you recognize these callings in your everyday life? How are you responding to them? How can you be more intentional and faithful in them? Take some time to echo and overflow God’s endlessly specific love for you to everyone you encounter.
We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.