Psalm Reflection: The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

“O God, let all the nations praise you!” - Psalm 67
“The best country in the world.”
I have often heard people say that about the United States. Whether you agree or not, many people believe it to be true. However, I have never heard anyone say, “I wish that other country was better than ours!”
We can be very self-focused and competitive, whether it is on the large scale of nationalism, war, politics and economics, or on the smaller scale of our own lives and careers. We often do not cheer others on in the hopes they will surpass us and succeed.
This is the generosity of this week’s Psalm: the hope that ALL the nations will praise God. Do we honestly hope that everyone around us will be saved? As Christians in a world of division, selfishness and competition, we must always be chasing opportunities to bring others to the Lord so that they will be saved and become the best possible versions of themselves.
Do you want all of your enemies to be saved and to know Jesus?
Do you want the person you are at odds with at work to succeed and be blessed?
Do you want your neighbors to thrive instead of trying to keep up with them?
Do you want your friends to outshine you and be praised even if you are not?
Do you want your family all to be with you in Heaven?
Our daily efforts as disciples of Jesus Christ are not about us. They are about HIM and his desire that ALL people would be saved through Him. It is not “O God, let ME praise you all by myself,” but a praise of “all nations.” Jesus does not teach us to approach God as “MY father,” but “OUR Father.” Walking the Christian life is about constantly pursuing “we” over “me.”
This week, ask yourself, “do I love Jesus enough to give my life to bring others to Him as He desires? Do I love those around me enough to share the Good News with them, or am I comfortable letting them go to Hell even if I could have made a difference in their lives?”
It is abundantly apparent when you read Scripture and the lives of the Saints that the key to true happiness and fulfillment is a life lived for others. How can you serve others and set a place for them by your side at the table of the Lord?
You may be the only chance a person has of hearing the message of Jesus Christ and allowing Him to transform their lives. Always take that chance.
We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.