Psalm Reflection: The Third Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” - Psalm 95
Did you catch that?
This Psalm does not say, “WHEN today you hear his voice...” it says “IF.”
That is a big “if.”
There is no guarantee that you will hear God’s voice. In a world that is making us more addicted to noise and to paying attention to one another on social media and in our competitive, achievement-based society, we have less and less time and room for God. He will not force Himself into our lives, but the likelihood that we will accidentally stumble upon a scenario where God can speak seems pretty unlikely. We need to make a serious effort. We need to put ourselves in a position to listen and to allow God to speak to us.
Do you make yourself available for God?
This Sunday’s Gospel is the story of the Woman at the Well in John 4. Despite the cultural divide and social norms preventing them to meet or even speak, Jesus and this woman encounter each other and make themselves available for a conversation to happen, no matter how contentious it begins.
If Jesus came into your life and asked you for a moment of your time, would you be available? I know we all want to say yes, but what if you didn’t know it was Him? How available are you to others and to God on a daily basis? Are you too consumed or busy with things that don’t really matter like your phone, social media, your to-do list, etc.? If Jesus stumbled into your life today, would you notice?
God has NEVER stopped speaking to us; we have stopped listening. What if you went your whole life too consumed in yourself to hear God’s voice? Every answer, every truth, every ounce of love you desire is right at your fingertips, what if you never let yourself receive them?
Lent is a beautiful opportunity to listen. We fast from the extra “noise” in our life so that we can make ourselves more available to meet Jesus in the ordinary places of life.
This week, make yourself available to God by intentionally taking some listen to sit and listen for His voice. Be open and ready to receive, and it will no longer be a matter of “if,” but “when” you hear his voice. The question then becomes: how will you respond when He does speak?
We are praying for you this week. See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.