Psalm Reflection: Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

“Praise the Lord, my soul.” - Psalm 146
We always need more. More food, more sleep, more money, more connection, more rest, more affirmation, more friends, followers, comments, likes and shares. We live in a culture that is always chasing more.
Why? Why do YOU want more? Why do we never seem satisfied, or if we finally do it never lasts? Because we were made for more, just not the “more” the world offers us.
We wake up every day with an inherent desire for love, belonging, truth, goodness and beauty. It does not matter if we are religious, what language we speak or what cultures and beliefs we carry; we are all made for more and we all want those things whether we resize it or not. These desires are the achings of our soul crying out for fulfillment in God alone, for only He can permanently satisfy.
“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” - St. Augustine
How cool is that?
Every time you are hungry, tired, lonely or unsatisfied, it is because part of you is praising God without you even realizing it; your soul is recognizing your inherent desire and need for God. The real trick is for us to have that awareness and to use our free will to fulfill our desires in the right ways. Otherwise, we fall into distorted versions of desires and think they will fulfill us, when they never possibly could. Our lives become all about pleasure, sexuality, power, influence, money, popularity, status or even addiction. Your soul has an insatiable desire for God, nothing but Him can fulfill it.
So in moments of temptation, envy, greed, or a longing for instant gratification, take a moment and realize the language of praise your body is speaking and echo it in the choices you make. This week, every time you really want something, take a moment to thank God that you are built for more, and ask Him for the wisdom to choose what is right and fulfilling instead of what is easy and temporary. We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.