Psalm Reflection: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

Psalm Reflection: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

“Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live.” - Psalm 69

When I was a kid, I wanted a cherry red Lamborghini Diablo Sport, simply because it was my favorite Hot Wheel in my collection. However, had I really gotten that car as an 8-year old, I probably would have been super psyched for about 5 minutes, running all around and inside of it, but then the fact that I wouldn’t be able to drive it or use it for another 10 years would settle in. Not to mention, the eventual responsibility of maintenance, insurance, theft prevention, etc.; my dream could have very easily become a nightmare. I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t always know or want to admit what I really need. I still don’t.

I turn to God a lot for my wants, but it is far more difficult for me to trust Him with my needs. Most of the time I don’t even know what I need. Do you? Knowing our needs takes the type of foresight that only God has. He created everything and, on top of that, He has SUSTAINED the universe for almost 14 billion years now! How proud do we have to be to insist that we know better, or to think that God might not know what is best for us when we can simply look around and see all He is capable of? Babies do not question their trust in their parents. A 2 month old doesn’t sit up in their crib and say, “mom, I really don’t think this is baby-proofed enough for my safety,” or question the decisions their parents make on how they choose to raise them. It is not until we grow older and develop an understanding of the world around us that we take the leap of falsely assuming we understand ALL of it. Jesus told us to enter the kingdom as children. Children have no concept of all the decisions being made around them, they simply receive what is in front of them and react authentically. What if we were able to do that? What if we were able to receive whatever God gave us and chose to react as positively as possible? What if we trusted Him that much? What would be possible in your life if that described your relationship with God?

We don’t need to know what we need, we just need to know the one who does.

This week, let this prayer echo in your heart every day: 

“God, I trust that you know what I need, and there is not a single desire in my heart that you do not intend to fulfill. Help me to trust that you will provide, as you always have, and let me spend my time waiting in joyful gratitude and patience. Amen.” 

Know that we are praying for you this week. See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.