Psalm Reflection: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Cycle C)

“You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.” - Psalm 110
You and I may hear this Psalm this Sunday as one that is “not for us.” We are not priests, so why would it have any relevance for us? Well you may not know this, but we ARE priests. No, that is not heresy, you and I are what is called “kingdom priests.” Those sacrificial men who attend seminary and are ordained after taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, they are ministerial priests: they wear the white collar, celebrate and confer the Sacraments, and stand in the person of Christ (in persona Christi) when they do so. We do not do that. However, we are all baptized as priest, prophet and king (or queen), making us kingdom priests and representatives of our faith to the world. You could say that ministerial priests are the priests to the Church, and we are the priests to the world who take the faith and sacramental grace we receive at Mass and bring it to others out in the world by sharing it with those we encounter. We are walking symbols of the Church and of Catholicism. So the question has to be asked: what have you done with your priesthood? Have you wasted it? Who has been affected by it? You have an important, unique and irreplaceable role to play in the building of the Kingdom of God. What prevents you from sharing the faith you have been given? Fear? Laziness? Sloth? Worry? Self-Doubt? The Devil would love for you to go your entire life never joyfully living out your baptismal priesthood. So what will you do? Where do you need to live your faith more boldly this week? Who in your life is in danger of never hearing the encouraging and transformational message of Jesus Christ? They are probably not going to wander into Mass on their own, but they will more likely cross paths with you. How will you use your priesthood to minister to the lost, lonely, broken and hurt in your life? Your family? Your friendships? Your workplace? Your school? Your neighborhood? This week, intentionally reach out to someone and encourage them in whatever they are going through by praying for them, and maybe even invite them to Church with you. We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.