Psalm Reflection: The Fifth Sunday of Easter (Cycle C)

“I will praise your name forever, my king and my God.” - Psalm 145
I spilled water on my laptop this past week and ruined it. Panicked and worried that I had lost all of my data, which hadn’t been backed up in a year, I looked up every possibly remedy online and even prayed over my computer asking God to miraculously fix it and... nothing happened. I knew it was a silly, trivial thing to pray about, but I was still mad because I knew God had the power to do it and He didn’t. I went to bed that night angry at myself for being so careless, frustrated at my situation and projecting all of that onto God. When I woke up the next day, I was still irritated, but I thought about if 20 years from now I would still care that this had happened. I knew immediately that I wouldn’t. Life would go on and SO many of the blessings I overlook on a daily basis that keep me grounded would soon outweigh and joyfully overshadow this small inconvenience. God is worthy of praise because He is playing the long game in your life. When we are so focused on right here and right now, it is easy to feel frustrated, distant from God, and angry when things aren’t going our way. But when we realize that since the moment of our conception God formed us in the womb and had a plan for our lives (Jer 1:5 & 29:11-12), all the little things fall away and we see that God is indeed worthy of our praise. This week I invite you to reflect as though this was the last week of your life. What do you wish you had experience more of? Less of? How would you wish you had changed your priorities? Who do you need to forgive or spend more quality time with? What moments have you passed by because of something small or trivial? What has been left unsaid in your relationships? Take the time this week to reflect and reprioritize, so that you are not simply going through the motions of life, but you are recognizing the value in playing the long game and investing your time, energy and love into meaningful relationships and experiences that lead you closer to Jesus. We are praying for you this week.
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.