Psalm Reflection: Second Sunday of Lent (Cycle C)

Psalm Reflection: Second Sunday of Lent (Cycle C)

β€œThe Lord is my light and my salvation.” - Psalm 27

The season of Lent can often feel like a time of darkness. However, even the darkest of times, places or seasons are not absent of light. The further away we get from the lights of cities, the more easily we can see the light of the stars. In the darkness of the ocean floor, plants and creatures emit bioluminescent light when they are touched. There is light everywhere, even in the most unexpected and mysterious places. But if all we focus on is the darkness, then when our eyes suddenly are exposed to the light it can be blinding and painful. Lent is not about the darkness. In fact, Lent is about turning from the darkness and the distractions of life in order to better see the light, even in the places where it seems impossible. There is no place on earth too dark where Christ cannot bring light; let this Lent be an opportunity for your vision to adjust to see the light in your life more clearly. This week, fast from negativity and complaining, especially in regard to your fasting, so as not to focus on the darkness. You will begin to notice and appreciate the small pockets of joy each day more easily. We are praying for you this week.

See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.