Psalm Reflection: Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

“I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.” - Psalm 145
In reading this Psalm today, I think of soldiers of old who risked their lives in service of monarchs, shouting “for the king!” as they charged into battle. Everything was for the king, and anything done in disservice to the king or to bring shame to his name resulted in death or imprisonment. It was serious business.
Is your devotion to God serious business?
Is everything you do in service of proclaiming the name and power of God?
Do you avoid any possible chance of dishonoring His name?
I think that for many of us, our relationship with God is something we are only willing to proclaim when forced, openly asked, or in the comfort zone of a religious setting. What about when it is uncomfortable or unpopular? What if it paints a target on your back? Soldiers today still take far bigger risks for imperfect earthly institutions and ideals. Why can’t we echo that bravery in bold witness of the Gospel for a King who IS perfect? We are fighting a winning battle with perfect ideals, so how much of a cop out is it to not participate because it’s simply too inconvenient? Let’s be bold because the world needs it, and we have likely put in far more effort and passion into other things than mean far less in terms of eternity.
I suspect that this week, because you are reading these words, God will put you in a position to be bold for the faith. Will you do it? Will you say yes? I hope you will. We are praying for you this week!
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.