Psalm Reflection: Easter Sunday (Cycle B)

“His mercy endures forever.” - Psalm 118:1-4
What does it mean that God is merciful? That He simply doesn’t punish us? I have always struggled with that word, “mercy,” and thought it made God less personal, like this distant judge in the sky. Then I heard someone put it like this, “grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve, but mercy is when God doesn’t give us what we do deserve.” God never relents in giving us second chances. If God was in an earthly relationship with us, all of His friends would be telling Him to dump us and move on already, because He can certainly do better. We don’t deserve anything He gives, and yet He continues to give. This Holy Week, we are reminded of how far God is willing to go to come after us, even if we treat Him terribly. God will go to the grave and back again for you. In fact, if you were the only human on earth, Jesus would still come and die on the cross for you. How are you going to respond to His mercy and His grace today? Are you going to take that second chance or waste it? How is His mercy calling you to extend mercy and forgiveness to those who have hurt you, betrayed you, rejected you? You don’t have to let them back into your life, but you can allow God’s forgiveness and mercy to pour over you so profoundly this week that it soaks into every single one of your relationships, even the broken ones. Spend two minutes every day this week in front of a crucifix reflecting on His radical mercy, and see how it deepens your response to Him. Have a blessed Holy Week.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.