Psalm Reflection: The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe (Cycle B)

“The Lord is king, he is robed in majesty.”
Of all the different types of prayer, praise is the one I think we are the worst at. I am not talking about praise and worship music (which is great), but in our personal prayer are we actively starting from a place that recognizes who God is and praising Him for what He has done in our lives? We are great at asking for things, which is called supplication, and pretty good at thanksgiving when things are going well or when we are forced to say what we are thankful for this time of year, and we are ok at contrition (saying sorry) when we recognize we messed up and ask for forgiveness in prayer or at confession. But praise is where true prayer and relationship with God begins and ends. We need to recognize that God is not a divine ATM or a cosmic therapist, which is how we tend to treat Him most often and then we get upset when the relationship becomes different and we can’t find the intimacy with Him we desire. We wouldn’t expect that type of relationship with an ATM or a therapist in real life, so why are we surprised when it limits our experience of God? Are you in relationship with God or are you operating simply out of what you know about God and can get from Him? This week, focus on your relationship with God like you would any friend, and spend intentional quality time with Him wherever and however you like. But when you do, try to begin and end your prayer with words of praise and let that be a majority of your conversation with God, so you can be reminded of who God is and all He has done, is doing and will do out of complete and unrelenting love for you. We are praying for you this week!
See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.