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We need your prayers and support.
We feel so humbled by this mission we feel compelled to carry out to witness to our Catholic faith in a world that is aching and desperately in need of a Savior in Jesus Christ. We hope this project encourages and inspires you to tackle to obstacles of living out your faith daily in a secular world.
However, this mission has costs. For us, some of those are financial. We need and appreciate your prayers if you cannot give, and for those of you who can, every little bit counts! If you feel you can give monthly to this project, even as little as $1 a month, please visit our page on Patreon:
Please pray for us as we navigate this creative venture and may God bless you, you beautiful, awesome person!
Matt & Jenna

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.